Sunday 3 July 2011

Is this hotel pager friendly?!

So we went to vegas, and it isnt true about what happens there staying there, as i am going to write about it. Han and I had 'ambiguous tummy bug' (correct medical terminology) caught in LA and so when we eventually arrived in Vegas we were a bit overwhelmed and had to hide in our room like hermits for the best part of the first morning. It is the most insane place you will ever go, it would only be madder if you were partying with Charlie Sheen. Besides the bug it was 40 degrees CENTIGRADE outside and our english skin was not coping well. The Luxor, where we stayed, is a giant glass pyramid complete with sphinx, and the beds were so comfortable it is a wonder we ever got out of them. To us mere backpackers the sight of the Ice bucket indicated true luxury. By the time we managed to extract ourselves from the room we quickly came to realise that everything in Vegas is expensive, food, internet, food, drinks, so naturally we turned to gambling...Not really but we did a bit and at one point were up $7 but soon got a bit too enthused and ended up satisfied with minus 3 dolla in the kitty. not bad for first timers, but its definately not true what they say about beginners luck.
We also checked out the other main hotel/casino complexes- which were pretty cool- we saw the water show at the bellagio and the internal canals of the Venetian. Obviously we tried to get onto the roof of Caesar's Palace too....(we didnt actually) but we spent a lot of time going on about The Hangover. I did like vegas but its a place of extremes, there are men handing out flyers for prostitutes to any man, whether or not they are with wife/gf/partner, and on our last night we moved downtown to stay nearer the bus station as our bus was EARLY and the hotel was 3* but seedy. It was that sort of 'i dont really want to touch the bed' seedy, but actually fine. Hannah checked the door was locked about 5 times after we acidentally watched 3 hours of real life crime/cop shows. didnt sleep to well. Then the next morning we basically had to fight our way onto the bus outta there and it was full of weirdos. It was a lonnng journey.
Anyway, we are alive and in Flagstaff which is an adorable town, and have just got back from the Grand Canyon. Seriously, everyone has to see it. It should be the law or something. Our guide made us walk up to the first viewing point covering our eyes, you can only see it for the first time once, and trust me, its incredible. words cannot actually describe the enormity or beauty of it so im not going to go on about it too much. We did a small hike down from the rim to the OohAhh point (actually called that) and saw some people with their cats on leads showing them the view- for CHRISTS sake what is wrong with america?! anyway, i said we should dangle them over the edge and fish for Condors, this suggestion got mixed reactions. anyway, its been an amazing day, i will show you all photos when i return. We are going to cook dinner now and tomorrow we head to Albuquerque for the 4th of July! (no real reason for picking there except we didnt want to do a 26 hour bus ride)...,
Adios amigos, sending love to you all

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