Sunday 17 July 2011

Welcome to Miami

Well, its certainly been a while. sorry about that but internet has been awkward to acquire to say the least. We have been to New Orleans and Orlando since i last wrote so ill try and fill you all in from what i can remember.

New Orleans was amazing. It was so humid though it was basically impossible to look nice at all because you were sweating so much. everywhere, all the time. The guidebook warned of the dangers of Post-Katrina new orleans but we didnt really have any problems. You can tell areas are dodgey, but only in the same way as any other city has 'unsavoury' areas. We mainly just wandered around looking at the beautiful french colonial style buildings of the French Quarter, sampling the delights of the creole influenced cuisine- Crispy crawfish, gumbo and jambalaya. yummm. also we had coffee in the oldest coffee house in the city and i may have bought some to bring home. not a wise move considering the size of the can.
One night we went to see Rebirth Brass Band which is a favourite of mine- ive seen them at a couple of festivals- but they have a weekly slot at this cool little club and seeing as in the entire 4 weeks weve been here we havent been out, we thought we'd maximise on this opportunity. turns out not to be such a wise move when you have to check out of your hostel by ten am.
Our bus to Orlando wasnt smooth to say the least- firstly they didnt have any room so we had to come back the next morning- which was inconvienient to say the least- and secondly, when we did get on we had a crazy bus driver who introduced herself like this 'Hello. i am mama, not big mama, small mama, fat mama, thin mama. just mama. i am your mama, you ARE my babies. we will leave now'..scary. anyway, she was so obsessed with being punctual that she threw a little girl off the bus because her dad wasnt back yet from the break...after that, she was 'not so cool mama', to us at least.

Orlando. Well people generally come here for only 1 reason, and that certainly isnt to appreciate the fine city. just as well because its not fine. its like the ass of florida. Thats probably not fair, there are 2 reasons and its mostly an either/or situation- Universal or Disney! We picked Universal, and more specifically their Islands of Adventure. now dont judge us, but this had a lot to do with the Harry Potter experience that is the newest installation to the park. It was incredible. they have made a Hogsmeade and a Hogwarts and you can drink butterbeer and have your photo taken with the driver of the Hogwarts can send postcards by Owls and buy Bertie Botts every flavour beans. The ride itself was pretty cool, you wander through the castle before you get on and they have taking and moving portraits and 3d harry, ron and hermione telling you all about the adventure youre about to go on. We were like little kids! Theyve also got Dr Seuss Land, jurassic park (very cool) and several Marvel Comic rides though just as we were about to embark on the Incredible Hulk Mega Coaster the skies opened and there was a massive thunder and lightening storm. apparently they dont send guests up when theres a chance of lightning strike- which i think could be an added fun risk to the ride. Anyway, instead we bought tickets for the new HARRY POTTER MOVIE (are you sensing a theme yet?) yes, we got a bit carried away, and the only showing was at 11.20pm so by the time we had laughed and cried and clapped our way through it was 2am and the sugarrush of a day was all a bit too much. as was our 8am wakeup. but anyway, ive never been in a cinema where the excitement was so palpable, there were whoops and oohs and aahs and basically a standing ovation at the end. cool. So anyway, we were meant to get up early and get an early bus to miami but couldnt face it, and it was just as well seeing as there was no local bus and it would have been impossible for us to make it on time. things (especially lie-ins) work out for the best! Anyway, weve just got into Miami and are at quite a nice hostel which make a change from the dive we were in in Orlando..Were setting ourselves up for a couple of days on the beach to get rid of our tourist tans!

Lots of love xxx

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