Monday 27 June 2011

'You are natural stars'....really?!

Since i last wrote weve done LOADS!! we went to see the Giants play on our last night in San Fran..they won, blatantly because we are such supportive fans!! The atmosphere was amazing, we were soon chanting along, especially when this guy called 'The Beard' came on...hes pretty badass. Baseball is basically just jumped up rounders, so it was fairly easy for us girls to understand.
The day after we vacated our lovely room, said goodbye to the girls that broke the shower and banged the lockers at 7am with a little door slam and headed for our FIRST greyhound journey...which was surprisingly ok, even though the engine overheated and we sat on the side of the Freeway for about 30 mins! One thing we have learned- Americans are SUCH complainers, they feel like everyone owes them something...we sat stoically british not moaning even when someone fully reclined their seats onto our laps...we just talked very loudly about how INCONSIDERATE some people can be. The message was received.

L.A. what to say?? its huuuge. not really worth coming sans voiture. which is a shame as we dont have one. We have two really sweet english girls in our dorm, its like a taste of home. And a crazy lady who sleeps naked and gets annoyed when we pack up our day stuff at 11am- as if it was crazy early and we were disturbing her. How about going to bed earlier then, missy?!
Our first day we spent exploring this place called 'The Farmers Market' which is like a huge outdoor shopping complex with Abercrombie and Fitch (plus models!) and Victoria's Secret and this weird doll shop called All American Girl where you buy a doll that looks like you and then you buy matching outfits for you and your doll and theres even a DOLL HAIR SALON with GROWN WOMEN styling doll hair. creep AS. As we were walking back we saw a sign for a Tim Burton exhibition at the LACMA so we went even though it was HELLA expensive and there wasnt even student discount. But there were his scetches and animations and Edward scissorhand's costume complete with scissorhand and catwoman's costume from Batman, definitely glad we went.
On our way back we discovered this place called Whole Food Market and joked about seeing Jennifer Anniston there as she blatantly does her weekly shop in this place- i was in heaven. i cant even describe it to you just fresh fruit and veg and things like Kale chips and you can have sushi made up and there are about 10 salad bars and samples to try...anyway weve basically been back every day. its AWESOME but expensive. last night we had rotisserie chicken and $12 worth of salad, but it was worth it. (thats right mother, SALAD.)
Yesterday we hit.the.beach. its 2 buses away but we wanted to see all the skaters and muscle men. to be honest, it wasnt that great, as soon as we got to the beach it was cloudy, but we did see a cool skate competition including some wheelchair skaters who were amazing. We also found this nice bar to drink in, and an english waiter who actually poured FULL pints. They seem to like leaving at least 1.5cm s of head on the beer and im a student, i want my money's worth!
Today we walked up to Hollywood Blvd, from our santa monica hostel. it was a mission. but we took cheesy walk of fame photos and talked about what we would do if we met Bradley Cooper (a recurring theme of this trip!) I got to stand in George Clooney's footprints, if only he had been there.....(Hannah thinks George is an eternal batchelor and you never could pin him down, i say he hasnt met the right lady yet. and yes i know hes like a million years older than me, but like fine wine, he ages so well!)Also some chinese ladies asked us to take photos of them and then be in the photos because we are 'natural stars', HA! obviously dont know us. weve only just stopped smelling of garlic.
Anyway, we took a detour via wholefoods to get some sushi and then back on Melrose Avenue where our hostel is, we thought we would stick our noses in Fred Segal, department store loved by the stars, and play 'imaginary shopping', where you imagine you have enough money to buy things...anyway, as we were leaving, guess who walked in? LIV TYLER. COOOL CELEB SPOT!!! first of the trip to (apart from mario lopez who was in 'saved by the bell' and that doesnt really count)

Anyway, beloved admirers, tomorrow were heading to VEGAS! oh. yes.
sending much love xxxx

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