Sunday 24 July 2011

Insult to injury...

So....Charleston, South Carolina...
After what turned out to be a 24 not 21 hour bus journey, complete with 3 changes of buses and a 5 hour layover in a bus terminal not even out of Florida (complete with weird ticket doling out guy who started hitting on us because i said he had harry potter glasses) we arrived in Charleston. This is the place that the Civil War of America started, there is a Port Moultrie, which Hannah practically wee'ed herself over, and its meant to be a beautiful place where Americans holiday themselves.
If any of you watch the news ever you will see that there is currently a heatwave in america and our 40 degree highs of Las VEgas are being beasted by the impressive 108 degrees F that we are having to cope with...
Anyway, the journey was CRAP, and we arrived to our nice hostel in an old colonial house to find a CRAZY CAT LADY in our dorm. SHE HAD A CAT. I HATE CATS. well, it was a kitten, which was even more retarded than a normal cat, it didnt have any pavlovian reflexes yet-i.e. foot=>kick. anyway, we napped and then got up and went to this cool local bar, it was my kind of local, next door. we had some drinks and sat in a hammock and watched a folky type band 'jam'... i got majorly eaten, probably because i was sat on an ants nest or something, because when i say we were in a hammock, the combined weight of me and han meant we were sat on the floor with a kind of mesh blanket underneath us.. anyway, i got bit on the ass. not cool.
We headed home and went to bed, the cat was safely locked in its basket, luckily for it..the next morning, hannah wakes me with wailing cries 'IVE BEEEEN RAVAGED BY BUGS'. now i think, ok, i got bit on the ass, maybe shes now got a matching one. No, she has literally been ravaged, there are trails of bites all down both of her legs. poor thing, i joke no more about it.
So we got some benadryl and went to try and explore, down king street which is the main shopping street.,..unsuccessful exploring really because with both of our itchy legs and the heat combined we just couldnt cope. So having purchased some dinner and an iced coffee in a gourmet food shop we struggle home, to our alcoholic lemonade and eggplant thing that was pretty nice. We went to bed super early, after listening to the Woes of this girl who we have named Shakras seeing as she is somewhat of an earth lover. boy issues. also she had just auditioned for American Idol, but sadly didnt get through. anyway, after a lot of talking about auras and alignment and being in 'different spaces' (hannah's boyfriend would say she was a yoghurt weaver, an expression which i love. think 'eat, love, prey') we went to bed with fingers crossed for less inflamation tomorrow.
This has not occured. its still there! hannahs legs are impressivly lumpy, although my ass-bite has been reduced. Today, has been as much of a fail as yesterday, we made it to see 'Rainbow Row' which is a row of colourful colonial houses. we agree weve seen better in bristol, and head back to the pharmacy to see if anything will sort what hannah has named 'niknak' legs (google them, theyre a type of deformed, fluoro orange crisp..) shes now dosed up on antihistamines. we retreated and ate noodles and are leaving tomorrow.
Not the most successful visit. Please can more of you cross your fingers for us, it didnt seem to work last time. come on slackers, its not as if were swanning around and youre at work all day!

LOve you all xxxx

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