Wednesday 22 June 2011

Stinky Girls

So. Fisherman's wharf was gastronomically fantastic. As you can probably tell, we love food. We ate calamari and fresh crab and a breadbowl full of clam chowderrrr and lolled around like the sealions that frequent the docks there. It is so hot here its incredible, 30 degrees for the past few days, have some nicely pinking shoulders, will surely return a bronzed goddess (cough cough). Yesterday we took a trip through chinatown, much tat plus some rude postcards that we should have bought if we hadnt already got some. grrrr. we ended up in North Beach, no beach but a cool little place where the Beat Poets were first published. we hit up the City Lights Bookshop and got some cute little thangs. After this we decided it was lunchtime (were already getting a bit sick of stodgey pancakes for breakfast) and we had previously stumbled across The Stinking Rose. Google it. It was incredible, both me and Hannah had already read about it in different places, but it is dedicated to garlic. If any of you have encountered me as a young child you would probably know my affinity to Boursin, the french garlic and chive cream cheese. Well, quite frankly i was in heaven. We ate roast garlic in oil, squashed onto freshly baked foccacia, shrimp and tomato stew (with garlic) and a salad (with garlic) we passed on the garlic icecream for, im not lying. The only problem is, now we actually stink! 24 whole hours later and we reek to high heaven! this is good because the girls who have moved into our dorm were crashing around at 7am and subsequently broken the shower, so revenge is sweet(ly stinking)!
Today is our last day in SF. We love it. The grande finale is watching the Giants Baseball game tonight..i know, i is chronically boring to watch..many people have said. but so what? we have matching vest tops and an appetite for sport, beer and hotdogs! (dont worry, san fran is hilly as. were burning about a billion calories a day, for any reader worrying about the potential for an ever expanding waistline!)
Tomorrow we embark upon our Greyhound bus adventure, and at 8 hours, our transfer to LA will probably be the shortest journey we make- dreading it...but its fine, weve got magazines and snacks.........

I joke.

Much love xxxxx

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