Monday 30 November 2009

Home is where the heart is......

Its funny because a I received a letter today and the person writing is a friend from home. Bristol. but she was writing from Brighton, which is where she has moved to for Uni. She asked me if I thought of Manchester as my home and I thought about it and can't really answer.
When i'm out up here and a housemate calls me i'll say 'Ill be home in a bit'. When i visit friends from Home. Bristol. and return to Manchester i'll say 'ive gotta get the train home at 5', but when im in my house in manchester Home is Bristol.
'Im excited about going Home for Christmas'. I really am.
My house in Manchester is so homely though, but my room is so 'Bristol' as someone recently described. The people i live with are amazing and i feel like im with family, but i miss my family. Someone on my course said today that she hadn't spoken to one of her housemates for 3 whole days straight, just because they hadnt seen each other (although tbh they dont get on thattt well..)
I cant imagine a day when I dont see all 6 of the people that I live with..because i like them. i love them.

Recently I went to LDN to see 2 of my Homegirls.
It was soooo nice, theyve set up a little home there too, and it feels strangely familliar although ive only been there once. We cleaned the kitchen and listened to 'In the mood for Britney' at top volume on the Telly. We watched 'The Family Stone', a really christmassy film, lying in bed, and drank syruppy starbucks and sat in the pub in the day and ate fat chips and mayonnaise. we watched x-factor and I got shouted at for fancying a boy to young to fancy and it was like it always is when were in B-town. but we werent.

Then i came 'home' to Manch and it felt weird, but everyone said they had missed me which was nice. and soon i'll be leaving again to go PROPER home.
Back to a bath and a centrally heated house with an 'override' switch that isnt off limits, and to houmous in the fridge and our local pub with mulled wine over the festive period, and carols in the park (is she?) and my family and to fuss and neighbours asking how im finding manchester and whether im a doctor yet, to all the clothes i couldnt fit in the car on the way up and to dirty slimy clubs and that festive cheer that exists only really with people youve been sharing home with for your whole life.
I cant wait to come home at christmas, but i'll want to come back here after.
I think home is mainly about the people in your life.

and houmous.

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