Thursday 19 November 2009

So, being a Medical Student (note the capitals...) I should be able to deal with all sorts of situations? right? blood and gore and stuff.
Well Ive been doing alright in anatomy, scalpel in hand degloving...well a hand. But today was the ultimate test of strength (of stomach). Through the medical school you can sign up to see autopsies at the path lab of the MRI. I thought I might as well start young (ish) so this morning I toddled along with my friends Yas and El. We arrived and signed in. We were one man down at the door as El realised she didn't have her STUDENT ID. Bad times.
I didn't do much better to be honest. We scrubbed up (every med students dreeeeeeam!) : down to undies, scrubs, full gowns with elasticated wristbands, crocs (big fashion faux pas), then into the pre autopsy room room where you find wellies of all sizes (white, none of these leopard print, flowery things), and full length plastic aprons, then you go into the AR and put on gloves and visors and step back to take in the view.
I'm not going to go into much detail but there were ladels involved in the removal of fluids and it was SOOOOOOOOO incredibly hot in there. This was before i did my 'i feel funny' business.
The smell was pretty viceral, and I didnt mind what I was seeing, be it infected wounds or weird brown stuff in the oesophagus (ENGLISH SPELLINGS PLEASE!!) or lung juice being drained, but my brain just decided that it wasnt right and I was to go and sit down in the boot room. IMMEDIATELY.
I had to take off all the plastic stuff and waft warm smelly air around in an attempt to cool my sweaty sexy self.
Round two didnt go much better, Yas was having a question field day but again, it all got a bit hot and I had to leave. One of the very nice assistants said I should try again but I was wasting plastic aprons so I thought I should just go.......
I did learn one thing though, I look good in scrubs!

Gotta go now, me and El are having lunch.........

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