Friday 1 April 2011

That Friday feeling!!

Today, for the first time in ages, i have THAT FRIDAY FEELING!! this is no April fools, i genuinely am feeling great. And who doesn't, for it is the end of the week you may ask? well yes, but recently my weeks have been so all over the place that it really makes no difference whether its Friday or not.
I blame our total lack of contact time with the university for this, i have never felt so unproductive as having to be in uni, in the 'second' year of my degree, for only 9 hours a week...It means everything seems to get put off, because there's so much time to do it, or you do something that should take one hour in 2.5 just because you can, so you feel like you're wasting time even when you are working.
But today is the last 'official' Friday of our semester, i know, its ridiculous, its only April, and this week for the first time in a long time, although Ive been incredibly busy, Ive actually got on with things....

Having said that i have just spent the last hour in bed watching 'Junior Doctors: Our lives in their hands' a recent BBC phenomenon taking the medical school at least, by storm..
It basically is following 6 junior doctors in their first year of hospital jobs, and its really great to see what you're getting into. However its also a hot and controversial topic of conversation.
you see, they live in a huge and beautiful house in Newcastle (merci beaucoup BBC) and spend their whole lives moaning about EVERYTHING! Up to episode 5/6 (where I'm up to..) they make junior doctors at least, look terrible!! moan moan moan, inappropriate comment about nurses, moan, drink on camera, drunk on camera, moaan, blah blah NHS, blah blah moan, paperwork, moan, arrogant comment about own abilities, moan, alcohol, moan etc etc etc.

Christ, no one wants to hear it, its your bloody job and your getting paid for it. yes its hard, you knew it would be etc etc etc

I know its a steep learning curve, and I'm not saying i don't moan (indeed i spend a vast amount of my time with my medic friends complaining about the medical school, but when you're paying £3300 a year to teach yourself, you'd probably have something to say about it too...) it just seems very unprofessional.
Ive heard whisperings that they re all been brought up in front of the GMC for misrepresentation of medical professionals, amongst other things...hardly surprising when they let themselves be filmed drinking dirty pints out of frisbees or out with the nurses to help the 'ward atmosphere'. my arse.
Obviously its fine to do these things (unless you re Jon who shouldn't consume anything more than water and lettuce for the next 6 months) but it seems to me its just a schoolboy error to be filmed doing them.
The episode i just watched was filmed in October, okay so they re going to have a bit more experience now, but if i ended up in the Newcastle Victoria Hospital and one of them walked towards me with a needle i would wonder what they'd been up to the night before....I know that's not necessarily fair, but equally this is how i expect to be judged when I'm working on the wards, and therefore what is the point of broadcasting your daily life for people to ACTUALLY see how many jagerbombs you drank???

Having said that, episode 6 seems to show them coming into the real world a bit more, and Adam (arrogant and nurse 'appreciating') seems to have found some humility somewhere...
Its interesting watching, anyway, i would recommend it.

Anywayss, it was my Homegirl Holly's birthday last night, so I'm heading to Mac to celebrate with her : ) should be fun, but we'll leave no trace......!

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