Thursday 3 February 2011

Long time coming.....

Sorry fans, i know its been ages, I've been pretty busy, what with reading ENTIRE neuroscience textbooks over my Christmas holidays and the likes....Here's an UPDATERRRRRR on my life since i wrote about never being able to understand the brain-

APPARENTLY i was meant to have some holidays- they seem to have not materialised between finishing on the 19th of December and the commencement of my DEATH EXAMS almost exactly one month later. Seriously its the most stressed i have ever been, we finished them a week ago and it seems like a lifetime already. I am sleep deprived and utterly exhausted, how am i ever going to cope with night shifts? I clockwatch from about 6pm until it gets to an 'acceptable' time to go to bed! We have gone from exams straight into 4th semester, which is all about the digestive system...which is not gripping, i no lie when i tell you today i had an HOUR lecture on mucus. yes folks, snot.
The exams were hardd but i think the work i did paid off, i put everything into them, i think i have been running on caffeine, adrenaline and sugar....not a health combination, you don't have to be a health care professional to tell me that (at least i gave up alcohol though hey?!?!) and now i am seriously crashing and burning.
I went to see hol in mac after my first two just for a break and could not put a coherent sentence together, i had nothing interesting to talk about and found it nigh impossible to make a decision about dinner, let alone about what i wanted to do for the day....So we went on a crazyfun road trip to a place called Wizard's Walk and ran around the forest with her housemate Malcolm duelling with giant staffs made from sticks and played 'Guess Who in 20 Questions' and i came home feeling slightly more normal...

Holly and her housemates are only here until September, and my housemates are all graduating in June and its slowly sinking in. I'm pretty sad about it all to be honest, were just in the process of getting tickets for their Graduation Ball, which i am apparently allowed to go to, and i cant stop thinking about how much these last 3 years have been excellent and how much i am going to miss them all This is us at the festival at our student union last Saturday, with an assortment of friends, relatives, girlfriends and boyfriends....It was an 'Out of this World' theme....dunno really what half of them are wearing!

But i am very excited for all of them and very proud of how hard they work and i know we will be in contact for years to come and they will probably come to me for medical advice and i can go to them when i need to be made sane again by normality. I'm grateful at the moment i have 24/7 access and will be making the most of it....expect better costumes in the summer!

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