Thursday 25 November 2010

Theory of Mind or Luck and Magic?

You'd think that doing medicine would be about learning HARD FACTS and FIGURES and the likes, so you could regurgitate them and pass exams and save people and whatnot. It kind of has been like that up until semester three- heres a heart, this is what it does, heres how it does it, answer questions about it and come across it next in a hospital, thank you very much.
Surprisingly, this semester we are encountering 'this mechanism is not fully understood', which is almost disgruntling if youre trying to bash out your case for the week. WE.WANT.THE.TRUTH.
But then, have you ever thought about the brain? Like, properly? I have only just really started to, and seriously, its MIND BLOWING. excuse the pun.
Your skull is like a helmet protecting you, but not just 'you', actually 'you'. Everything you are as a person, apart from what you look like, is in your brain. We started off with the basics and i got that, spinal cord and impulses from your periphery and how they get to the brain, and which direction they take out of the brain back to the periphery (out of the Foramen Magnum, first turning on the left...), we did a bit of embryology, so how you go from looking like a tiny, ugly dinosaur to being born and having a giant head in comparison to your body, and a squidgy bit in your skull where you can poke your brain (DONT do this please)..and then we did some of the bits they know about, that you can see on a dissected brain, like the cerebellum which is the bit at the back that looks like a leaf when cut in half. thats alright, its easy to remember what it does cos if it goes wrong you act kinda drunk and everyone knows what thats like.
Last week we started on the Limbic System, and seriously i cant even start to explain that its just mental....It almost makes me want to cry its so complicated (even thats bloody controlled by the limbic system, so in two senses it makes me want to cry...AARGHHH!!!)
It controls reward and punishment, and anger and pleasure through some feedback mechanism that im not going to attempt to understand at this moment in time, it makes you comfort eat when youre sad, or cold.. HOW DOES THAT WORK???
One of my homegirls is having a pretty rough time at the moment and ive been chatting to her loads, its nice to have someone validate your sadness, i remember that, but it seems crazy to go from seeing chronic emotional pain, to a textbook that will put it down to X or Y neural pathway, via the activation of Z ganglion, through the ABC nucleus. I mean, really?
Are all my neurotic tics explainable by this sort of jargon? i dont really want them to be, i want my personality to be separate i guess. I eat pudding only from a teaspoon...what pathways that then Titus? hey? ( Titus is the author of what is the equivalent of 'Neuro for Dummies') I can watch scary films as long as i cant hear them, i was literally sat in the cinema watching Harry Potter (ashamedly) with my fingers in my ears as he duelled with a giant snake...that surely cant be explainable by the level of activation of some gyrus somewhere.

I was bitching with my friend El about the brain and this was the conclusion i made:
Basically everything is impossible and the human body is run mainly on magic and luck.
I quite like it. They should put that instead of 'this is an Unknown Mechanism'....basically means the same anyway, how can a mushy grey and pink thing decide what i fancy for tea? OBVIOUSLY MY STOMACH DOES THAT.

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