Saturday 22 May 2010

5 stitches down and call me a doctor....

It is soooo hot in Manchester. As in its only bearable to wear running shorts and a tiny vest top and all the windows in the house that cant be accessed by some scally are wide open. Its summer in the North and I have 2 WEEKS of exams to go. I know, I just know that as soon as I'm free of academia for the summer it'll undoubtedly rain.
I ran the Great Manchester Run last Sunday... 10km for this charity called Depaul UK. Ive never heard of them before but they help out homeless teenagers. since then all I've wanted to do is run. For the first few days my Rectus Femoris' were pretty sore and i couldn't walk downstairs without considerable amounts of shuffling and groaning. Sucks to be me considering I'm in the attic room. It felt really amazing to run with 36000 people though, definitely something Id do again.
However, I haven't been running all week because I've been working. the fear has not appeared but i have got my proverbial finger out now. We have physiology practicals on Tuesday and anatomy and communications on Thursday and then a portfolio review on Friday, then the following Thursday is our SEMESTER EXAM OH GOLLY.
Now physiology involves CPR and taking blood pressure and handling blood products and heart and lung auscultation and that sort of thing. We have 6 stations of that, then on the Thursday we have 2 simulated patients and 2 prosections to work. all of this is the sort of stuff that you can justify as being useful for budding young doctors.
Portfolio is literally the bane of my life. apart from brussel sprouts. Its so EMBARRASSING, one big 'Dear Diary' session for the next 4 years... we have to write reflective pieces on 'probity' and on 'patient interactions'. one massive pile of barf. My piece on probity makes me nauseous.

What makes me feel more competent than working for any of these exams is that t-Ed actually let me take out all 5 of his stitches. He didn't even squeak. He then offered anyone in the room a fiver to eat them. boys are so gross.

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