Monday 19 October 2009

Time flies when busy you don't know what day it is...

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, so its almost a year since I last wrote, and yes...i'm still here.
Pre med was not by any means a breeze, and i learned a lot, (even if it was more about wheres good to get a kebab or cheesy garlic bread at 4am and which bus stop to get off at when youre running late in the morning)....Kidding.
I dont understand how the 18year olds come straight from school and have to make friends, wash, cook, do all the work thats expected of them, plus be well rounded (preferably playing sport for a uni team and helping underprivalaged children with their maths homework) as well as just staying ALIVE.
I'm lucky this year, because i can already do PBL (problem based learning- that is were given weekly, a medical case and work together to get objectives from it which we go and learn and come back and discuss..) theres quite an art to knowing how little is needed and were certainly never spoon fact were lucky if the lecturers manage to keep us awake when discussing 'genetic population screening blablablahhhhhhhhh'.
im also lucky because i live with some very very cool people. This weekend we went to the peak district walking. thats how cool we are. we planned a walk and found the pub and got back to the cars all on our ownsomes. apart from that we basically never disagree (unless some untoward showering occurs) and noone steals peanut butter from the jar...(REX)

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