Thursday 22 October 2009

Communications; The Futures bright..the futures...more training...

So today as well as lectures on Pedigree Interpretation (those family trees with little black or white squares or circles telling you how likely a person is to inherit a genetic disease) and the CASE WRAP up session (telling us all the things we HAVENT learnt that were meant to find time in our fulllll week to cover) we had 'Communications Training'- yes, learning to speak...
Now, I'm very proud to say I'm a student at Manchester Medical School because it is well known (to those who know about university med school requirements) that Manchester pick the person and not the grades...That is once you have proven that you will get the AAB ABB or whatever they invite you to interview and talk to you...
Don't get me wrong, its a competition, at the end of the day, its ALWAYS a competition, but they assess you and if you get in its because they can see you as a doctor of the future.
Sooo, when we turned up to Comms today I was wondering what we could possibly learn...
Everything. is the answer. how to introduce yourself, how to initiate conversation, how to direct the conversation, how to close the conversation. how to ask a persons age, how to sit. how to refuse a cup of tea. how to convince a person you arent going to blog about their medical problems. how to get them out of the waiting room and into the fire. sorry, the surgery...Oh my lord, i'll never open my mouth again without thinking first. i managed to introduce myself right and that was about it....

by the way, my name's lucy williams, im a first year medical student at Manchester University, im just here to tell you about my life, you dont mind do you? how should i address you? are you comfortable with that? everything said here will be kept confidential, dont you worry...its not like its on the internet or anything.....

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