Wednesday, 7 December 2011

The ward is closed.

So, yesterday we found out that our ward was closed due to an outbreak of d&v (diarrhoea and vomiting for all of you non medics....) Now, this is not great news for everyone on the ward, or indeed any unsuspecting medical student who swipes in and inadvertently exposes themselves to norovirus. Its quiteeeee good news for us because it means we cant go in, which means we can lie in instead. Having said that, its come at a pretty good time. I am absolutely exhausted, I've had the same bug twice in two weeks and I spent all weekend in bed- not because I wanted to, but because I had the cold sweats/burning up combo. Not sexy. not productive. I tell you, this is hard work.
Not that I didnt expect it to be, or that I don't want it to be- its nice to feel like youre really earning your knowledge, but bloody hell, 4 months without so much as a long weekend is hellish. Now here we go, you say, moaning away, but seriously, I'm not getting paid and Im working evenings and weekends. I'm in a lecture theatre in Monday morning at 8am, we watch the sun come up during the second lecture.

Having said that- I do love the fact that things are s-l-o-w-l-y coming together in my mind. Snails Pace. But still. Its satisfying to actually get things right when a consultant asks you to list all the things that can cause hypercalcaemia, for example, instead of just wildly panicking and selecting whatever the last disease process that you read and blurting it out complete with wild gesticulations demonstrating whatever other symptoms might come with it and lots of ''y'know, y'know that thing....''s.

And how many people can say that they spent their morning trying to (unsuccessfully) catheterise a plastic penis?!

Medical School is fun.

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