Thursday 26 May 2011

That's all folks.....

SO. there we go, officially, another year over....not 'technically'...technically I've only been at uni for 8 months and 2 of those have been spent on holiday. But, the other day i went on a 'taster day' at the hospital i will be working at for the next 3 years (as of september) and i tell you what, it feels like starting school again!
I need to get shoes and smart clothes and, ok maybe not stationary any more, but a stethoscope at least! Its that nervous excitement combined with a hella lot of anticipation.
Im the first of my house to finish my exams, and am quick-scarpering it on sunday to save them the annoyance of having me loping around, getting up at midday and going back to bed half an hour later having eaten breakfast. Its a bit of a strange and emotional time actually, because this was us all 3 years ago

And this is us now

and its really sad to think that we wont be living together any more and that people are moving away and I'll be in manchester for the next 3 years.

Its pretty amazing to see how far we come and that were still friends. I am proud.

Sunday 22 May 2011

This is how I'm feeling:

I dont know what it is that baby sea lions do all day, play in the sea and annoy their parents who are lolling around on the beach, but this one is tiiiired and is entirely representative of how I am feeling with regards to revision at least:

(apart from anything its soO cute and makes me laugh out loud every time I see it)

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Cooking Club

Now, revision time is not exactly my favourite time of year. you get bored and restless and drink too much caffeine and spend a lot of time just opening the fridge and staring at the contents and then closing it again, only to repeat half an hour later.
This semester has been gastro-crazy. in terms of the G.I tract i mean. its all excretions and secretions and sphincter control, not exactly sexy. But one thing that i do really like about revision time, is that EVERYONE i live with is doing the same fridge-gazing as me. Most people are in and tucked up in their rooms and pop out for meals and hot drinks and to disperse the cabin fever a bit.
Today I had cooking club with Paul, which was nothing more than both of us going into the kitchen together and spending that 'allowed' time off to eat, together.
My housemates are all applying for jobs and going for interviews as well as doing exams, i cant imagine how stressful that is. Also were getting to that 'its nearly time to say goodbye' stage, which is pretty sad. I would say though that I've probably seen them all more in the last 2 weeks than i had in the previous 2 months, so that's EPIC WINNING. And then next year we shall have to have Cooking Club and all meet up. YES PLEASE.