Monday 7 June 2010

braaaainnnn draaaiiinnn....

''The brain makes up 2% of a person's weight. Despite this, even at rest, the brain consumes 20% of the body's energy. The brain consumes energy at 10 times the rate of the rest of the body per gram of tissue. The average power consumption of a typical adult is 100 Watts and the brain consumes 20% of this making the power of the brain 20 W''

My brain has become an ABSOLUTE MACHINE. Its actually kind of annoying. When i was revising it would decide when it would work...
Me-come on brain, we've had coffee, now lets start thinking..
Me- right, well we will have a shower and maybe the caffeine will have kicked in by then.
Brain- Try me.

and it goes on. It tells me its stopped listening by making my eyes ache at the back and going a bit fuzzy around the temporal region, then i try and remember what I've just read and it cackles at me.
This is when i know i need a break.
But still, I've trained it to know it needs to intake information at every moment of the day. During revision i would work solidly post shower, stop for half an hour lunch, an hour for dinner and then work until when Brain then did the Windows Shutdown procedure at which point i had approximately ten minutes on 'power save' mode to get into bed before i collapsed into a deep sleep.
Undoubtedly in the morning i would wake up having dreamt about whatever i had been cramming into every nook and cranny in my mind and have ONE WORD just there. going round and round.
'vasopressin', 'vasopressin', 'vasopressin' etc etc etc etc until i found a medical dictionary and looked up the word and placed in on the right brain shelf. and then the cycle of the day continued.

The thing is, i have honestly never been so stressed about an exam in my life. towards the end of the revision period I'm talking absolute exhaustion but a complete inability to sleep. the shakes. headaches. weight loss. the works.

The night before the exam I did the mock paper online, one question was:
The psychosocial model of stress indicates that stress
A. can be interpreted as the objective response to excessive stimuli
B. is a specific response of the body to a specific demand
C. is caused by over-exposure to life events
D. is unaffected by daily life
E. occurs when perceived demands outweigh personal resources

The answer is E.
My brain had given up listening to me and gone into hibernation.
And then i sat the exam and my brain went 'nah nah nah nah nah nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...i was listening even when you thought i wasn't'. i dumped all my knowledge onto the paper and it seemed to fit the questions.

My problem is now post-exam my super efficient brain is............SOOOOOOOO BORED!!!!!

I cant win.

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