Sunday 18 April 2010


I Im back in Mtown and i went to dinner with those housemates that are in the country. (screw you boys in canada/ prague..'boohoo im missing my exam'- shutit) Im back in student-mode. eat EVERYTHING you can because you never know when your next meal may be. (entirely an exaggeration. mine will be at 7.30am tomorrow). The cupboards are full too though (thanks mum) and the car was full on the way home as ive tried to half move out to save giving myself a hernia in a few weeks when i actually have to decamp from Number 35....
I have been at home for 3 WHOLE BLISSFUL weeks. I have done practically no work except for a few afternoons in the park with my 'integrated pharmacology' textbook for company. This is a guilty pleasure of mine and it is my internal snob that admits this....i kinda love people looking at me with my textbook sunning myself while all the crusties are dossing around with their circus skills...
Anyway...i think my mother at least would contest that i have not learnt anything- i challenge you with this-
NEVER INJECT VASOCONSTRICTOR DRUGS (epinephrine) into YOUR PENIS FOR FEAR OF GANGRENE. boo yah. i know that fact mainly because i sent it as a text to all my friends that would understand it because i thought it was funny.
The easter holidays are actually a horrible invention- They create a false hope of summer even though theres this nagging in the back of your mind reminding you that you have 4 weeks left of lectures and 3 weeks of EXAMS before you can truly bask in the glory of the english summertime.
SO, what have i done in these 3 weeks then? well, been out 3 whole times. Ive (re)discovered that a cider hangover is probably the worst sort of hangover that there is. and (re)drinking on it the next day in order to (re)go out is an awful idea.(except for if going out involves 8 banterous boys. then its a great idea and a lot of fun) Ive been to the dentist- (LUDICRISLY OVERPAID). I re-read a book called 'Trust Me I'm a Junior Doctor' that has re-scared me about my FY1 year.
I got to catch up with my homegirllllssssssssss.
I watched UP. Its my favourite film ever. After The Crimson Pirate. And The Holiday.

So basically, im sat at my desk attempting to digest, checking to see if my timetable has reduced in the 20 minutes since I last checked. It hasnt. 9-5 tomorrow. booooooooo. (yesyes, i know, in the REALLLLLL WORLD everyone does that every day blah blah. well by signing up for uni you expect to bypass the real world for up to 5 years so shhhh!)
At my left hand is my physiology manual. Tomorrow were learning CPR so DONT WORRY if your heart unexpectedly stops in my prescence (after tomo) i will be able to break all your ribs, slobber on your face and hopefully keep it pumping until someone comes along to tell me that you merely fainted.
At my right hand side a bag of ground coffee with extra caffeine (how is that even possible??) that i was given as a gift...i think i may have let slip to the people who gave it to me that my trips to the park werent THAT effective....apart from the gangrene thing.

Im just going to make myself some kind of digestion promoting drink as i feel like a beached whale.

And check my timetable one last time.

So until next time kids, watch where you stick those needles.

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