Friday 2 September 2011

Starting school.

Today, I started my hospital placement and have been reflecting on how many times i have done something similar to this and how every time i do, its still really scary.
I know that when i first started school I went with my best friend at the time (and we wore matching tracksuit bottoms sets, mine pink and his blue) and my teddy bear, Charlie. Moral support at its best. I assume we did a half day and then got taken home and gradually eased in...within weeks im sure we were all taking it in our stride. including the bear. But then, he takes everything in his stride.
Starting secondary school was probably similar, except i looked like a boy so that was a bit awkward (mainly in hindsight) and i was exceptionally keen in every way and you dont get that far on the social scale when you love homework.
By the time i started university you would think i would be used to the whole 'new people new places' thing..i hated manchester for the first few weeks. And then i pulled myself together and now when i come to this city, it feels like im coming home. a different home, but still, home nonetheless. I'd pretty much got the whole uni thing down, lectures and pbl alllll good. And yet again I find myself out of my depth, in 'The Greenest Hospital in the UK', shiny new building, the chattering of the Future's Doctors and feeling like i would quite like to to do a runner and get back into bed. I know, i know its fine, i'll settle in, soon ill be strutting around like i own the place, but still, its a little daunting. I could have done with Charlie and his bear-like charm and moral support.